How To Apply A Bounce Back Loan For The Self-Employed

How To Apply A Bounce Back Loan For The Self-Employed

If you are a self-employed individual, what support is available for me for the bounce back loan?


Are you a coach, consultant, or a business owner that’s self-employed, read this post and I will tell you what you need to do. 


The Bounce Back Loan Scheme was launched because of fears that small businesses couldn’t access coronavirus funding quickly enough.


Although a bounce back loan is a loan and needs to be repaid, the terms are especially favourable as an emergency stop gap. 


So How To Apply A Bounce Back Loan For The Self-Employed? 

(Watch this video to see How To Apply A Bounce Back Loan For The Self-Employed) 


The easiest way is to go your current bank, because you’ve got a relationship with them. It’s going to be the fastest way to get an account organised and get the loan into your account.


If that doesn’t work for some reason, then I’ve got two other banks and two other solutions for you.


Metro Bank are very good at getting these bounce back loans approved for business owners like you.


Call them and book an appointment to set up an account. 


You can apply quickly, you can get that money in your account, maybe within a week or two weeks. Sometimes they’re not accepting new customers so you might want to check their website and make sure what’s their situation is right now. 


Starling bank.


Initially, they took too many applicants and then they couldn’t lend money.


But now they are doing a much better. I’ve had one student of my Business Accelerator that got a new account with Starling bank and got the money within seven days. 


Its super easy to get a Starling account, all you need to do is find their app on the app store. 


If you have been declined for a bounce back loan check out this post


James Nicholson 30 Lead Gen Strategies
James Nicholson 30 Lead Gen Strategies
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