What Are The Best Banks for Bounce Back Loans

What Are The Best Banks for Bounce Back Loans

You’re probably wondering what are the best banks for bounce back loans, then continue reading this blog to find out.


To apply for a bounce back loan, you’ll need to contact a bank directly and fill in a short online application.


(Watch this quick video to find out what are the best banks to get a bounce back loan)

There are a ton of options to get a bounce back loan, but what is the best bank to get a bounce back loan?.


The best bank to get a bounce back loan with is the bank that you already have a relationship with.


Maybe you already have a business bank account or a personal bank account. It is always best to start there. They will be able to do stuff a little faster than any other bank. 


If for some reason, you don’t want to go with them. Here are a few banks that some of my students on my business accelerator methodology have used to grow their business:


What Are The Best Banks for Bounce Back Loans


One that’s doing really well is Metro bank. They are taking new accounts on intermittently. When you check, you might see that they’re not taking new applications. You need to keep checking because they do open up slots. That gives you an opportunity to join the metro bank.


The second one that I would recommend this Starling bank. At the beginning of the bounce back loan, there was a massive influx of people that wanted accounts and they didn’t have the capacity to take on all the people and as a result, they gave them all accounts very fast. But then they didn’t have the capacity to process and bounce back loans. Since then, they’ve caught up. So Starling bank is another great option for you. 


Those would be the top two that I would suggest, I would suggest Metro bank and Starling bank. I’ve had thousands of students in my business accelerator, and hundreds of them have taken these bounce back loans. A lot of them have got great results with those two banks. 


Note: There is a high demand for finance through the bounce back loan scheme. They are likely busy so phone lines and branches may not be able to handle inquiries in person. Keep trying you will get there in the end.


If you get rejected getting a bounce back loan then read this post

James Nicholson 30 Lead Gen Strategies
James Nicholson 30 Lead Gen Strategies
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