What Is Cold Website Traffic (1)

What Is Cold Website Traffic

What does cold traffic mean? What does it mean for your business, and how you can use it to grow your business? Read more as I will discuss what is cold website traffic.


To get the most out of your marketing budget, you must use three different sorts of targeting: cold, warm, and hot. Each traffic segment consists of a diverse group of consumers, ranging from those who have purchased from your business to those who have never heard of it. There is distinct content that should be used at each stage of the marketing funnel to add value and convert audience members into customers.



What does cold audience mean? 


Now cold traffic, what does that mean? Well, every business has to start with cold traffic. And what that means is it’s traffic to your website, or people that have never ever heard of you. They don’t know you, they don’t like you, and they don’t trust you.


Cold traffic refers to those who have never heard of or interacted with your business. These folks are clicking on your advertising because they are interested in what you are offering, not because they have heard of your brand. This group of people is frequently looking for a solution.



How do you “warm up” cold traffic?

Fact: it’s darn hard to sell to cold traffic.

However, this does not exclude you from “warming them up” (i.e. converting) to clients later.

The most efficient technique to warm up cold traffic is to direct them to a page that offers a lead magnet or another free resource that they consider valuable enough to provide their personal information in exchange for.



The different types of website traffic: 

What To Know About Cold, Warm & Hot Traffic?

The sort of traffic source to which you are advertising makes a difference in the type of marketing campaign you implement.



1. Cold Traffic

Cold traffic is when you have a prospect that knows nothing about who you are or what you do. You have never had prior connection with this person and your brand awareness at this point is none.  Cold traffic is the hardest to sell to. 


Examples of cold traffic: 

Someone cold calling you, receiving mail from someone you’ve never met, random ads you might see on social media, etc. (blog posts, social media updates, lead magnets, content videos, podcasts, quizzes/surveys, etc.)




2. Warm Traffic

When opposed to cold traffic, warm traffic is a little easier to sell to. Prospects in this category may have heard of your brand or what you stand for, but they have never purchased from you. At this moment, brand awareness has improved. Prospects are starting to warm up to the idea of hearing your message and possibly purchasing from you.


Examples of warm traffic: 

Articles you’ve written, multiple advertisements the viewer has seen of you, (people who have opted in to your email list, people who have visited your website and have been pixeled, Facebook fans, Twitter followers, Youtube channel subscribers, etc.)




3. Hot Traffic 

The first type of “hot traffic” (1) individual has opted into your campaigns, knows everything there is to know about your product or service, and is ready to buy from you… and the second is (2) people who have already bought from you. Those same customers will always be identified as hot traffic, unless you contact them with a new product or service, or retarget them in another way,


Hot traffic examples:

Events, paid webinars, done for you services, high dollar offers, etc.




When most businesses begin, they are predominantly in the cold traffic marketing phase in terms of prospects. As more people realize who they are, their possibilities gradually progress into a warmer phase, and soon into the hot traffic phase.

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